Исполнители на букву: M
- Maxophone
- May Blitz
- May, Brian
- Maypole
- Maywood
- McAuley Schenker Group
- McCafferty, Dan
- McCartney, Paul
- McChurch Soundroom
- McDonald And Giles
- Mega
- Megadeth
- Men At Work
- Mendiola, Maria
- Message
- Metallica
- Metamorfosi
- Methusalem
- Metropolis
- Michael Quatro Jam Band
- Michael Schenker Group, The
- Michael Zager Band, The
- Michele
- Mickie D's Unicorn
- Micky & Joyce
- Middle Of The Road
- Midge Ure
- Midney, Boris
- Midnight Blue
- Mike Mareen
- Mike Theodore Orchestra, The
- Milestones
- Milkweed
- Miller, Frankie
- Miller, Glenn
- Mina
- Mini
- Minotaurus
- Mission, The
- Missus Beastly
- Mistral
- Mitchell, Liz
- Moby Grape
- Modern Talking
- Mona Lisa
- Monk
- Monotones, The
- Monro
- Montrose
- Montrose, Ronnie
- Monument (Zior)
- Moody Blues, The
- Moore, Gary
- Mops, The
- Morandi, Gianni
- Morgan
- Morgen
- Moroder, Giorgio
- Morricone, Ennio
- Moti Special
- Mott The Hoople
- Mountain
- Mouse
- Mouth & Macneal
- Move, The
- Moving Sidewalks, The
- Moxy
- Mr. Big (UK)
- Mud
- Multi Story
- Mungo Jerry
- Munich Machine
- Murphy Blend
- Musique
- Mussolini Headkick
- Mysterious Art
- Mythos